Social and Political Science – Muhammadiyah University Makassar

political scienceFurther modules from social sciences and business administration or economics are available to students. Altogether, a minimal of one and a maximum of two sub-areas need to be selected, during which no less than 24 credit factors will have to be obtained.

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All students are required to pay tuition for all courses by which they are enrolled. Tuition rates are subject to the approval of the University System of Maryland Board of Regents.

Students who apply to the doctoral programme come before a jury that takes in account their grades, the standard of their master’s dissertation and the candidate’s capacity to commit to a research project. The doctoral programme is open not solely to students who have followed the initial Sciences Po programme but also to these with master’s degrees from one other French or overseas establishment. However, it may be required of students who haven’t taken Science’s Po’s political science course to comply with some fundamental or specialised classes that the jury deems essential before beginning their doctoral analysis. 2. Dr. Yohanna Gultom who received her doctorate diploma in Public Policy at Oregon State University underneath the 2014 DIKTI-funded Fulbright Grants for Indonesian Lecturers – PhD scholarship.

Faculty Books

Internships are an essential side of the Political Science main and CWI’s location offers a wide variety of alternatives in state government and the Idaho legislature. The Political Science program seeks to encourage pupil’s … Read More

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